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Professional Development
Research Funding
Research Resources
MU Research Conferences

A Culture of Research

MU proudly boasts its culture of interdisciplinary cooperation and oversees and supports 8 campus-wide interdisciplinary research centers, including 7 national centers. Research facilities include: the internationally recognized University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), a 10-megawatt facility that is the most powerful research reactor located on a U.S. university campus; the Bond Life Sciences Center, a 230,000 square-foot building that enables 41 faculty investigators from 12 academic units to solve problems in human and animal health, the environment, and agriculture; and the NextGen Precision Health Institute, a 265,000 square-foot building, currently under construction, that will be home to a bold and innovative interdisciplinary effort that seeks to transform how health care is delivered in the future.
MU has been a member of the prestigious American Association of Universities (AAU) since 1910. In the past 5 years, 16 Mizzou startup companies were created with MU licensed technologies and companies signed 200 license and option agreements, producing $33M in revenue for MU while generating profound impacts on local and state economies.
The University of Missouri’s Graduate School aims to instill in students an understanding of and an appreciation for academic ethics, professional standards of conduct, and personal integrity. Students complete graduate education at Mizzou prepared to enter the workforce and uphold these values in higher education and beyond.

Academic integrity at MU rests upon the University’s Statement of Values.

Our duty is to acquire, create, transmit and preserve knowledge and to promote understanding. The University of Missouri, as the state’s major land-grant University, honors the public trust placed in it and accepts the associated accountability to the people of Missouri for its stewardship of that trust.

We the students, faculty, and staff of MU hold the following values to be the foundation of our identity as a community. We pledge ourselves to act, in the totality of our life together, in accord with these values:

Respect Responsibility, Discovery, and Excellence.

In addition to the Statement of Values, students are expected to adhere to the University of Missouri’s honor pledge on all graded work whether or not they are explicitly asked in advance to do so: 

I strive to uphold the University values of respect, responsibility, discovery, and excellence. On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.