What is a Postdoctoral Scholar?
Those with postdoctoral appointments are recent recipients (normally within the past eight years) of their PhDs or equivalent doctorates. Postdoctoral scholars are engaged in temporary and defined periods of mentored advanced training to enhance their skills and research independence necessary to pursue their chosen career path.
The role and status of a postdoctoral scholar should be clearly differentiated from those of a graduate student, full-time technical staff member, or faculty member. At Mizzou, postdoctoral scholars who hold the title “postdoctoral fellow,” are primarily engaged in research, typically in a funded research setting, such as a laboratory. Postdoctoral scholars whose responsibilities are primarily teaching (e.g., teaching 2 3-credit classes each semester) hold the title of “postdoctoral fellow – teaching.” These titles apply regardless of whether the postdoctoral trainee is a salaried employee of the university or a stipend-supported fellow receiving funding directly from a granting agency or through a Mizzou account. Postdoctoral scholars hold appointments of limited duration (typically five years or fewer).
Administrative Support
Administrative responsibilities of the Office of Postdoctoral Education include the establishment of policies, benefits, and services available to postdoctoral scholars, in addition to those provided to all full time non-regular academic appointees at the University of Missouri. The Office of Postdoctoral Education also helps to facilitate campus-wide professional development and awards opportunities for postdoctoral scholars.
Valli Sarveswaran, PhD
Director of Postdoctoral Education
204 Hill Hall
Graduate School (housed in)
University of Missouri
210 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211
Local Calls: 573-882-6311
Toll-Free, Long-Distance: 800-877-6312
Fax number: 1-877-632-6316
Email: postdoc@missouri.edu
Postdoctoral Handbook
The University of Missouri Postdoctoral Handbook provides an overview of life as a postdoc on our campus. Information on where to find policies, procedures, and resources related to postdoctoral life is included.
Click here for access to the handbook.
Postdoctoral Education Advisory Committee (PEACE)
The Postdoctoral Education Advisory Committee is comprised of MU faculty and leadership with expertise in postdoctoral education, as well as the current President of the MU Postdoctoral Association. The committee convenes at least annually to discuss and make recommendations regarding postdoctoral issues and opportunities, and to review applications for the MU Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Awards, and MU Postdoctoral Grant Program.
- Lissa Behm-Morawitz (Chair, Communication)
- Prasad Calyam (Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
- Lisa Dorner (Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis)
- Sarah Jacquet (Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences)
- Elizabeth King (Associate Professor, Biological Science)
- David D. Kline (Professor, Biomedical Sciences)
- Kaleea Lewis (Assistant Professor, Public Health)
- David Mendoza (Associate Professor, Division of Plant Sciences)
- Anjugam Paramanantham (President, MU Postdoctoral Association)
- Valli Sarveswaran (Director of Postdoctoral Education)
- Enid Schatz (Associate Dean, The Graduate School)
- Michelle Teti (Associate Dean, Honors College)
PostDoc Spotlight
SEC Emerging Scholars

Dr. Xavier Scruggs

Dr. Kanishka Sikligar

Dr. Clayton Kranawetter