Postdoctoral Reappointment/Renewal and Transfer Processes
Postdoctoral appointments are renewable annually at the discretion of the University. Length of appointment may not exceed a total of five years. Circumstances affecting continued employment include, but are not limited to, work performance, fund availability, and educational priorities. No less than 30 days notice must be given to the postdoc if their appointment will not be continued past the annual renewal date.
- Reappointments in the first five years require only department-level approval. If the department does not send a reappointment letter to the postdoctoral scholar, the appointment is automatically renewed for another year.
- Templates for reappointment documents are provided. An electronic copy of the letter is required for record purposes (
- Requests for the extension of appointments beyond five years require approval by the Office of Postdoctoral Education.
Transfer to Another Position
- If a postdoctoral scholar is later considered for a different full-time, benefit-eligible appointment, the recruiting process appropriate to the new position for an outside candidate must be followed to ensure proper affirmative action and diversity efforts.
- Exceptions to this requirement, based on compelling reasons, may only be granted by the Provost, who has delegated that approval authority to the Senior Associate Provost.