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Saving and Investing: Why, When, and How to Start

Strickland 310

Confused by the investing alphabet soup - 401(k), ETF, IRA, Roth, etc...? Feel like you’re ‘behind’ before you’ve even begun? You’re not alone. Join the Office for Financial Success to learn: •    How, and when, to begin investing ​​​​​​​•    The most important wealth building tool (hint: it’s something that you already have)

Dissertation Resources @MU


Learn about tools available to use when choosing and writing on a dissertation topic.  Sample resources covered:  ProQuest Dissertation & Theses, MOspace, etc

Communicating Your Research Through Storytelling with Professor Amy Simons

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The power to captivate your audience with the power of storytelling is essential. Join our workshop to discover how to effectively employ storytelling techniques to communicate your research, making your work resonate with a wider audience and leaving a lasting impact. Recommended for 3MT participants, but all are welcome to join.

GPC Halloween Party

The Heidelberg 410 S 9th Street, Columbia, MO, United States

Halloween party for graduate students to come showcase their unique costumes and have a good time. Costume contest, spooky games and a Halloweeny atmosphere.

Graduate Student Connections Café

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The Division of Research, Innovation, and Impact is collaborating with the Graduate School to offer a Connections Café for graduate students at Mizzou on Friday, October 18th from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Grad HUB, located at 111F Townsend Hall. Join us for a fun, two-hour event designed to bring graduate students together from […]

Missouri Data Science and Informatics Symposium 2024

The Missouri Data Science and Informatics Symposium 2024, “Artificial General Intelligence for Good” will take place October 21 and 22. Keynote speakers include Dr. Hua Xu, Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science at Yale School of Medicine; Dr. Saif Khairat, professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Dr. Nadine Alameh, Executive Director of the Taylor Geospatial Institute. Students are encouraged […]

Credit Scores: Crack the Code to 850

Arts and Science Building, Room 101

Confused about credit? You're not alone. Some of these statements are true, some are partially true, some are misleading, and some are outright false. Can you confidently pick out which is which? Checking my credit report lowers my credit score. Having no balance will increase my credit score. Carrying a balance will increase my credit […]

GradsWork: Drop-In Writing/Working Space for Grad Students

Writing Center (Student Success Center)

GradsWork Sessions are quiet spaces to bring current works in progress and to work in community with other graduate writers. We will invite participants to share goals at the beginning of the session, then work quietly and independently for the duration of the session. We will invite participants to report progress and/or future goals at […]

MO Federal Data Proposal Development Seminar

Room 2206A in the MU Student Center

This four-part seminar is focused on developing and submitting a proposal for research in the Missouri Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC)   The Missouri FSRDC offers researchers the opportunity to conduct research using restricted, respondent-level data from federal censuses, surveys, and administrative data sets. Inside the RDC, approved researchers can choose from over 350 […]

Predatory Journals: The Dark Side of Open Access


Find out how to publish your research without being scammed by journals that exist only to make money not to advance knowledge.  Learn ways to spot predatory journals and locate high-quality publications for your article submissions.