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Supporting the transition to graduate school

The University of Missouri is proud to offer two distinct programs designed to support and empower graduate students as they navigate their academic journey: First-Year Scholars and GradCircles. While both programs aim to foster community and enhance the graduate student experience, they offer unique approaches and benefits tailored to different student needs and preferences.

First-Year Scholars

First-Year Scholars aims to create a structured environment where incoming graduate students from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences can build community as they navigate their first year in graduate school at Mizzou. The program fosters connections between students in different disciplines by addressing the hidden curriculum in graduate education, access and awareness to resources at Mizzou and the Columbia community, mentor-mentee relationships, wellness, and more. This program is for on-campus students only.

A strength of the program is the interdisciplinarity of participants so that graduate students can exchange ideas and be aware of practices in their programs, which allows for exploration of their needs and resources available or alternatives to the offerings in their programs. First-Year Scholars is ideal for those seeking a more structured approach to navigating graduate school, emphasizing understanding the nuances of academic life at Mizzou.

Program Details: two semesters with bi-weekly one-hour meetings from September to May, two 15–30-minute meetings with the program director, two required socials, and several optional ones. Participants must commit to the whole program. Participants will receive a padfolio at the beginning of the academic year and a t-shirt at the end of the program; be eligible to be co-leaders or panelists for the next cohort; and receive up to $200 per semester as a leadership award the following years while at Mizzou.

Scholar: First-year graduate students who are interested and are selected to participate in the program.

Scholar Co-leader: Scholars who participated in previous cohorts will have a chance to lead incoming cohorts. At the end of the semester, they will be awarded $100 per session they co-led as part of a leadership award from the Center for Inclusive Excellence.

Scholar panelist: Each scholar invited to be a panelist will receive a $50 award as part of the leadership award from the Center for Inclusive Excellence.

Participant selection: all graduate students entering their first graduate program at Mizzou in their first year are eligible for the program. Fifteen students will be selected to participate to create a cohort that brings diverse perspectives and lived experiences (different personal characteristics, abilities, experiences, and perspectives).

AY 24-25 Schedule

Jul 15 to Aug 15: Interest Form submission.

Aug 29: First Social – CHANGED to AUGUST 28 due to Mizzou’s game on the 29th.

Fall Sessions: First and third Fridays of the month at 4 pm.

Sept 6 – Tools to succeed in Grad School (from studying to organizing). (Scholars panelists)

Sept 20 – Aligning Expectations with your mentor/advisor.

Oct 4 – Hidden Curriculum: Navigating Higher Ed.

Oct 18 – Cultivating your identity at Mizzou: embracing your authentic self. (Scholars co-leaders)

Nov  1 – Wellness in Graduate School.

Nov 15 – Mizzou Academic and Community Resources. (scholars panelists)

Fall socials (optional): Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9.

Spring sessions: First and third Fridays of the month at 4 pm.

Feb 7 – Candid Conversation with Faculty.

Feb 21 – Graduate School myVita and milestones.

Mar 7 – Tax Preparation

Mar 21 –  Thriving past the first year. (Scholars panelists)

Apr 4 – CliftonStrengths Assessment.

Apr 18 – Networking: be open to opportunities. (Scholars co-leaders)

Spring socials (optional): Feb 8 or 16, Mar 15, Apr 12.

May 9: Final Social.

Program completion: Completing the program requires attending five meetings in the fall and spring unless excused from a meeting by the program director. Excused absences are on a case-by-case basis and usually take into consideration other academic or personal commitments or sickness. Successful program completion will mean you will be eligible to be a co-leader or panelist in the following academic year and receive a leadership award of up to $200 per semester.


GradCircles aims to create network and social connections through peer-driven support. GradCircles offers a more flexible, student-driven experience focused on peer mentoring and organic community building. This program creates a “third space” outside home and academic settings where graduate students can share experiences, strategies, and resources. It is perfect for students who thrive in a more autonomous environment and wish to co-construct knowledge with peers at various stages of their graduate journey.

There will be three circles, with two in-person and one online.

This program is not a substitute for or considered to be counseling. Students who feel they need professional mental health support should contact MU’s Counseling Center

Program Details: two semesters with monthly meetings from September to May and two required socials. Participants must commit to the whole program. Participants will receive up to $200, and co-leaders will receive up to $400 as a leadership award at the end of the program.

Participant: Graduate students in master’s, specialist, or doctoral programs at Mizzou.

GradCircle Co-leader: Graduate students who have completed at least two years at Mizzou (i.e., have started their graduate program on or before Fall 2022) and will be enrolled in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

Co-leader selection: graduate students (on campus or distance) in the second year of their graduate program who will be available for 2.5 hrs. online training on Aug 9, 2024, and available to lead programming on the second Tuesday of the month during the semester or the second Friday. A total of six co-leaders will be selected.


Participant selection: all graduate students (on campus or distance) at any stage of their graduate degree are eligible for the program. Participants must be available on the second Tuesday of the month or the second Friday. Up to 24 students will be selected.

AY 24-25 Schedule

Jul 15 to Jul 31: Applications to be co-leaders.

Aug 9: Co-leaders training.

August 19-30: Participants interest form. Interest form will close at noon on August 30.

Sept 5: First Social

Fall Sessions: Second Tuesday of the month (possible alternate day, second Friday)

Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 5. (or Sept 13, Oct11, Nov 8)

Spring sessions: Second Tuesday of the month (possible alternate day, second Friday)

Feb 11, Mar 11, Apr 8. (or Feb14, Mar 14, Apr 11)

May 8: Final Social.

Program completion: Completing the program requires attending seven meetings unless excused from a meeting by the appropriate GradCircle co-leaders. Excused absences are on a case-by-case basis and usually take into consideration other academic or personal commitments or sickness. Successful program completion will mean eligibility for up to $200 per participant, and up to $400 per co-leader as a leadership award at the end of the program.

Resources for Scholars

In addition to the program, here are some other opportunities at Mizzou:

The Graduate Scholars of Excellence program is open to students who are currently pursuing a doctoral degree at Mizzou.