Most academic programs have a student services staff member who is a primary point of contact for faculty, current and prospective students, and the Graduate School. Use the directory below to identify graduate program staff members along with the degree options they manage.
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Anthony Scimeca
Anthropology, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-4731 112 Swallow Hall
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Calin Chindris
Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics, Master of Arts/Master of Science for Teachers
Applied Mathematics, Master of Science 573-882-4125 305 Mathematical Sciences Building
Diane Herigon
Academic Medicine, Master of Science 573-884-7060 MA303 Medical Sciences
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Johnette Blair
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Master of Science
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
Rural Sociology, Master of Science
Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural Education, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-3747 138A Mumford Hall
Laura Coleman
Dispute Resolution, Master of Laws
Dispute Resolution for Non-Lawyers, Graduate Certificate 573-882-5969 206 Hulston Hall
Michael Gold
Natural Resources with Agroforestry Emphasis, Master of Science
Agroforestry, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1448 203 ABNR Building
Rebekah (Becki) Schnell
Animal Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Animal Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-7327 S133 ASRC
Academic Medicine
Diane Herigon
Academic Medicine, Master of Science 573-884-7060 MA303 Medical Sciences
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Agricultural and Applied Economics
Johnette Blair
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Master of Science
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
Rural Sociology, Master of Science
Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural Education, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-3747 138A Mumford Hall
Agricultural Education
Johnette Blair
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Master of Science
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
Rural Sociology, Master of Science
Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural Education, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-3747 138A Mumford Hall
Michael Gold
Natural Resources with Agroforestry Emphasis, Master of Science
Agroforestry, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1448 203 ABNR Building
American Law
Laura Coleman
Dispute Resolution, Master of Laws
Dispute Resolution for Non-Lawyers, Graduate Certificate 573-882-5969 206 Hulston Hall
Ancient Mediterranean Studies
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Animal Sciences
Rebekah (Becki) Schnell
Animal Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Animal Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-7327 S133 ASRC
Anthony Scimeca
Anthropology, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-4731 112 Swallow Hall
Applied Behavior Analysis
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Applied Mathematics
Calin Chindris
Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics, Master of Arts/Master of Science for Teachers
Applied Mathematics, Master of Science 573-882-4125 305 Mathematical Sciences Building
Architectural Studies
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Atlantic History and Politics
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Anandhi Upendran (Online Program Coordinator)
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0162 DC018.00
Brenden Holmes
Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0181 407 Cornell Hall
Heather Roberts
Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering, Master of Science/Master of Engineering
Biological Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Biological Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Thesis Option 573-884-8610 W2030 Laferre Hall
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Lesley Linss
Biomedical Sciences with Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-1807 A384 Clydesdale Hall
Marie Schlup
Pathobiology (Veterinary Pathobiology), Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Sciences with Pathobiology Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-6550 201 Connaway Hall
Michelle (Shelly) Nail
Biomedical Sciences with Comparative Medicine Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-5103 S119 Discovery Ridge
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Anandhi Upendran (Online Program Coordinator)
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0162 DC018.00
Heather Roberts
Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering, Master of Science/Master of Engineering
Biological Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Biological Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Thesis Option 573-884-8610 W2030 Laferre Hall
Biological Sciences
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Biomedical Sciences
Lesley Linss
Biomedical Sciences with Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-1807 A384 Clydesdale Hall
Marie Schlup
Pathobiology (Veterinary Pathobiology), Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Sciences with Pathobiology Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-6550 201 Connaway Hall
Michelle (Shelly) Nail
Biomedical Sciences with Comparative Medicine Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-5103 S119 Discovery Ridge
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Business Administration
Brenden Holmes
Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0181 407 Cornell Hall
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Adria Koehn
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, Master of Health Science 573-882-8034 622 Lewis Hall
Heather Roberts
Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering, Master of Science/Master of Engineering
Biological Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Biological Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Thesis Option 573-884-8610 W2030 Laferre Hall
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Jerry Brightwell
Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-6832 125 Chemistry Building
JoAnna Chandler
Computer Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science, Master of Science
Computer Science, Accelerated Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Master of Science
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
AI and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate
Data Analytics Engineering, Graduate Certificate
Neural Engineering-Signals, Systems and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0692 201 Naka Hall
Terri Gagnon
Civil Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Civil Engineering, Master of Science
Construction Management, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0107 E2509 Lafferre Hall
Care Management
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Chemical Engineering
Heather Roberts
Chemical Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Chemical Engineering, Master of Science/Master of Engineering
Biological Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Biological Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Non-Thesis Option
Biological Engineering, Master of Science/Thesis Option 573-884-8610 W2030 Laferre Hall
Jerry Brightwell
Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-6832 125 Chemistry Building
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Terri Gagnon
Civil Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
Civil Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Civil Engineering, Master of Science
Construction Management, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0107 E2509 Lafferre Hall
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences
Adria Koehn
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences, Master of Health Science 573-882-8034 622 Lewis Hall
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Computer Science
JoAnna Chandler
Computer Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science, Master of Science
Computer Science, Accelerated Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Master of Science
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
AI and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate
Data Analytics Engineering, Graduate Certificate
Neural Engineering-Signals, Systems and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0692 201 Naka Hall
Construction Management
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Darius Miller
Dietetics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-4113 246 Eckles Hall
Ehren Oncken
Data Science and Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Data Science and Analytics, Master of Science 573-882-6077 22 Heinkel Bldg
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Laura Coleman
Dispute Resolution, Master of Laws
Dispute Resolution for Non-Lawyers, Graduate Certificate 573-882-5969 206 Hulston Hall
Data Science and Analytics
Ehren Oncken
Data Science and Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Data Science and Analytics, Master of Science 573-882-6077 22 Heinkel Bldg
Defense and Strategic Studies
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Darius Miller
Dietetics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-4113 246 Eckles Hall
Dispute Resolution
Laura Coleman
Dispute Resolution, Master of Laws
Dispute Resolution for Non-Lawyers, Graduate Certificate 573-882-5969 206 Hulston Hall
Alexandria Spears (On-campus Advising)
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Master of Education/Master of Arts/Educational Specialist
Quantitative Research, Graduate Certificate 573-882-7738 16 Hill Hall
Chrystal Hines
Economics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0063 E204D Locust Street Building
David Lineberry (Online Advising)
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Master of Education/Master of Arts/Educational Specialist
Multicultural Psychology and Education, Minor
Multicultural Education, Graduate Certificate
Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership, Graduate Certificate 573-882-7609 17 Hill Hall
JoAnna Chandler
Computer Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science, Master of Science
Computer Science, Accelerated Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Master of Science
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
AI and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate
Data Analytics Engineering, Graduate Certificate
Neural Engineering-Signals, Systems and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0692 201 Naka Hall
Jude Sommerjones
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Doctor of Education
Global Education and Leadership, Graduate Certificate
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-2163 303 Townsend Hall
Mandy Aholt-Gayler
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Educational Specialist
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Master of Education
College Teaching, Graduate Certificate
Education Policy, Graduate Certificate
Higher Education Administration, Graduate Certificate 573-882-8221 303 Townsend Hall
Chrystal Hines
Economics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0063 E204D Locust Street Building
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis
Jude Sommerjones
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Doctor of Education
Global Education and Leadership, Graduate Certificate
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-2163 303 Townsend Hall
Mandy Aholt-Gayler
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Educational Specialist
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Master of Education
College Teaching, Graduate Certificate
Education Policy, Graduate Certificate
Higher Education Administration, Graduate Certificate 573-882-8221 303 Townsend Hall
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology
Alexandria Spears (On-campus Advising)
Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Master of Education/Master of Arts/Educational Specialist
Quantitative Research, Graduate Certificate 573-882-7738 16 Hill Hall
David Lineberry (Online Advising)
Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Master of Education/Master of Arts/Educational Specialist
Multicultural Psychology and Education, Minor
Multicultural Education, Graduate Certificate
Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership, Graduate Certificate 573-882-7609 17 Hill Hall
Electrical and Computer Engineering
JoAnna Chandler
Computer Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science, Master of Science
Computer Science, Accelerated Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Master of Science
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering, Accelerated Master of Science
AI and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate
Data Analytics Engineering, Graduate Certificate
Neural Engineering-Signals, Systems and Machine Learning, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0692 201 Naka Hall
Exercise Physiology
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Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Joe Miller
Accountancy, Master of Accountancy
Accounting Data Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Assurance, Graduate Certificate
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Business Administration, Accelerated Master of Business Administration (Crosby MBA)
Financial Management, Graduate Certificate
Investments, Graduate Certificate
Marketing Analytics, Graduate Certificate
Taxation, Graduate Certificate 573-882-2750 306 Cornell Hall
Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
Food and Hospitality Systems
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Leah Klasing
Geological Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Geological Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-6785 101 Geological Sciences Bldg
Rob Sanders
Genetics, Doctor of Philosophy
Informatics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0135 22L Heinkel Building
Rob Sanders
Genetics, Doctor of Philosophy
Informatics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0135 22L Heinkel Building
Geological Sciences
Leah Klasing
Geological Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Geological Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-6785 101 Geological Sciences Bldg
Geospatial Intelligence
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Sorry, no one to show here.
Global Supply Chain Management
Amy Barrett
Human Environmental Sciences with Human Development & Family Science Emphasis, Doctor of Philosophy
Human Development & Family Science, Master of Science/Master of Arts
Human Development & Family Science, Accelerated Master of Arts
Administration and Management of Family and Community Services, Graduate Certificate
Early Childhood & Family Policy, Graduate Certificate
Youth Development Program Management and Evaluation, Graduate Certificate
Youth Development Specialist, Graduate Certificate 104 Gwynn Hall
Anne Tallmage 573-882-0250 615 Locust Street Building, Rm W110F
Carla Jerome Beckmann
Health Administration, Master of Health Administration
Informatics for Public Health, Graduate Certificate 573-882-1849 326 Clark Hall
Christopher Brown
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Dawn Moorehead
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Diki Lama
Health Administration, Master of Health Administration
Informatics for Public Health, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0698 326 Clark Hall
Laura Shank Sobieck
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Health Ethics, Graduate Certificate 573-884-4458 0183 Galena Hall
Health Administration
Carla Jerome Beckmann
Health Administration, Master of Health Administration
Informatics for Public Health, Graduate Certificate 573-882-1849 326 Clark Hall
Diki Lama
Health Administration, Master of Health Administration
Informatics for Public Health, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0698 326 Clark Hall
Health and Rehabilitation Science
Health Ethics
Laura Shank Sobieck
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Health Ethics, Graduate Certificate 573-884-4458 0183 Galena Hall
Health Informatics
Christopher Brown
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Dawn Moorehead
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Laura Shank Sobieck
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Health Ethics, Graduate Certificate 573-884-4458 0183 Galena Hall
Healthcare Project Management
Christopher Brown
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Dawn Moorehead
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate 106 Math Sciences Building
Laura Shank Sobieck
Healthcare Project Management, Graduate Certificate
Health Informatics, Master of Science
Health Informatics, Graduate Certificate
Health Ethics, Graduate Certificate 573-884-4458 0183 Galena Hall
Anne Tallmage 573-882-0250 615 Locust Street Building, Rm W110F
Human Development & Family Science
Amy Barrett
Human Environmental Sciences with Human Development & Family Science Emphasis, Doctor of Philosophy
Human Development & Family Science, Master of Science/Master of Arts
Human Development & Family Science, Accelerated Master of Arts
Administration and Management of Family and Community Services, Graduate Certificate
Early Childhood & Family Policy, Graduate Certificate
Youth Development Program Management and Evaluation, Graduate Certificate
Youth Development Specialist, Graduate Certificate 104 Gwynn Hall
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Human Environmental Sciences
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Amy Adam
Library and Information Science, Master of Library and Information Science
Learning Technologies and Design
Information Science & Learning Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy
Learning Technologies and Design, Master of Science/Educational Specialist
Online Educator, Graduate Certificate
User Experience and Usability, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1391 304 Townsend Hall
Bin Wu (Online Program Coordinator)
Industrial Engineering, Master of Science 573-882-5540 E3437 Lafferre Hall
Rob Sanders
Genetics, Doctor of Philosophy
Informatics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0135 22L Heinkel Building
SISLT Student Services
Information Science & Learning Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy
Learning Technologies and Design, Master of Science/Educational Specialist
Library and Information Science, Master of Library and Information Science
Online Educator, Graduate Certificate
Serious Game and Simulation Design, Graduate Certificate
User Experience and Usability, Graduate Certificate 573-882-4546
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Bin Wu (Online Program Coordinator)
Industrial Engineering, Master of Science 573-882-5540 E3437 Lafferre Hall
Rob Sanders
Genetics, Doctor of Philosophy
Informatics, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0135 22L Heinkel Building
Information Science & Learning Technologies
Amy Adam
Library and Information Science, Master of Library and Information Science
Learning Technologies and Design
Information Science & Learning Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy
Learning Technologies and Design, Master of Science/Educational Specialist
Online Educator, Graduate Certificate
User Experience and Usability, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1391 304 Townsend Hall
SISLT Student Services
Information Science & Learning Technologies, Doctor of Philosophy
Learning Technologies and Design, Master of Science/Educational Specialist
Library and Information Science, Master of Library and Information Science
Online Educator, Graduate Certificate
Serious Game and Simulation Design, Graduate Certificate
User Experience and Usability, Graduate Certificate 573-882-4546
International Development
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Joseph Avanzado (On-Campus MA & Accelerated MA)
Journalism, Accelerated Master of Arts 573-882-9493 181 Gannett hall
Lindsey Crozier (PhD & Online MA)
Journalism, Doctor of Philosophy
Interactive Media, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6194 181 Gannett Hall
Yukendra Wynn
Journalism, Doctor of Philosophy
Journalism, Accelerated Master of Arts 573-882-4852 181 Gannett Hall
Joseph Avanzado (On-Campus MA & Accelerated MA)
Journalism, Accelerated Master of Arts 573-882-9493 181 Gannett hall
Lindsey Crozier (PhD & Online MA)
Journalism, Doctor of Philosophy
Interactive Media, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6194 181 Gannett Hall
Yukendra Wynn
Journalism, Doctor of Philosophy
Journalism, Accelerated Master of Arts 573-882-4852 181 Gannett Hall
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Renee Kruep
Evidence and Equity Based Literacy Instruction, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6231 303 Townsend Hall
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Renee Kruep
Evidence and Equity Based Literacy Instruction, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6231 303 Townsend Hall
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Calin Chindris
Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics, Master of Arts/Master of Science for Teachers
Applied Mathematics, Master of Science 573-882-4125 305 Mathematical Sciences Building
Dawn Sapp
Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, Doctor of Philosophy
Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, Master of Science 573-882-4957 MA415 Medical Science Bldg
Kari Adams (Online MM in Music Education)
Music, Master of Music in Music Education 303 Sinquefield Music Center
Kristen J Clark
Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-3938 M617 Medical Sciences Bldg, DC044
Marilyn Nevels
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science 573-884-8918 E2412 Lafferre Hall
Natalie Parker
Arts Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate
Music, Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education
Music, Master of Music in Music Education
Music, Master of Music/Master of Arts
Jazz Studies, Graduate Certificate 573-882-4471 140 Fine Arts Building
Pete Zambito (Arts Entrepreneurship Coordinator)
Arts Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0427 302 Sinquefield Music Center
Calin Chindris
Mathematics, Doctor of Philosophy
Mathematics, Master of Arts/Master of Science for Teachers
Applied Mathematics, Master of Science 573-882-4125 305 Mathematical Sciences Building
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Marilyn Nevels
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science 573-884-8918 E2412 Lafferre Hall
Medical Pharmacology and Physiology
Dawn Sapp
Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, Doctor of Philosophy
Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, Master of Science 573-882-4957 MA415 Medical Science Bldg
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Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Kristen J Clark
Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-3938 M617 Medical Sciences Bldg, DC044
Natalie Parker
Arts Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate
Music, Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education
Music, Master of Music in Music Education
Music, Master of Music/Master of Arts
Jazz Studies, Graduate Certificate 573-882-4471 140 Fine Arts Building
Pete Zambito (Arts Entrepreneurship Coordinator)
Arts Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate 573-884-0427 302 Sinquefield Music Center
Music Education
Kari Adams (Online MM in Music Education)
Music, Master of Music in Music Education 303 Sinquefield Music Center
Natalie Parker
Arts Entrepreneurship, Graduate Certificate
Music, Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education
Music, Master of Music in Music Education
Music, Master of Music/Master of Arts
Jazz Studies, Graduate Certificate 573-882-4471 140 Fine Arts Building
Ellen Chiocca (Area Coordinator for PNP)
Esther Ellis (Leadership, PNP, PCNS, AGCNS & Nurse Ed)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Health System Innovation, Minor 573-884-4705
Kelli Cash (Area Coordinator for FNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Leslie McPeak (FNP & PMHNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Family Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0200 S209B Sinclair School of Nursing
Michael Gold
Natural Resources with Agroforestry Emphasis, Master of Science
Agroforestry, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1448 203 ABNR Building
Nancy Birtley (Area Coordinator for PMHNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate
Shawn Zembles (Area Coordinator for AGCNS/PCNS)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Stefanie Birk (Area Coordinator for Leadership)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Susan Silvey
Participatory Health Research, Graduate Certificate 573-884-7411 Math Science Building
Natural Resources
Michael Gold
Natural Resources with Agroforestry Emphasis, Master of Science
Agroforestry, Graduate Certificate 573-884-1448 203 ABNR Building
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Ellen Chiocca (Area Coordinator for PNP)
Esther Ellis (Leadership, PNP, PCNS, AGCNS & Nurse Ed)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Health System Innovation, Minor 573-884-4705
Kelli Cash (Area Coordinator for FNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Leslie McPeak (FNP & PMHNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Family Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate 573-882-0200 S209B Sinclair School of Nursing
Nancy Birtley (Area Coordinator for PMHNP)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Graduate Certificate
Shawn Zembles (Area Coordinator for AGCNS/PCNS)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Graduate Certificate
Stefanie Birk (Area Coordinator for Leadership)
Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Susan Silvey
Participatory Health Research, Graduate Certificate 573-884-7411 Math Science Building
Nutritional Sciences
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Angie Wolf
Occupational Therapy, Post-Professional Doctorate 573-884-8639 801B Clark Hall
Occupational Therapy
Angie Wolf
Occupational Therapy, Post-Professional Doctorate 573-884-8639 801B Clark Hall
Beverly Denbigh
Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy 573-882-7103 801 Clark Hall
Elisa Day
Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-5041 312 Middlebush Hall
MU Public Health
Epidemiology, Graduate Certificate
Public Health Communication, Graduate Certificate
Public Health, Graduate Certificate
Public Health, Master of Public Health 573-884-6844 802 Lewis Hall
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Jerry Brightwell
Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-6832 125 Chemistry Building
Kevin Allred
Plant, Insect & Microbial Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Plant, Insect & Microbial Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-3001 52 Agriculture Lab Building
Marie Schlup
Pathobiology (Veterinary Pathobiology), Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Sciences with Pathobiology Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-6550 201 Connaway Hall
William Bushnell
Public Affairs, Accelerated Master of Public Affairs
Public Affairs, Master of Public Affairs 573-882-3556 W109D Locust Street Building
Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Pathobiology Area Program
Marie Schlup
Pathobiology (Veterinary Pathobiology), Doctor of Philosophy
Biomedical Sciences with Pathobiology Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-6550 201 Connaway Hall
Pathology & Anatomical Sciences
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Personal Financial Planning
Elisa Day
Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-5041 312 Middlebush Hall
Physical Therapy
Beverly Denbigh
Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy 573-882-7103 801 Clark Hall
Physics & Astronomy
Jerry Brightwell
Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-6832 125 Chemistry Building
Plant Insect Microbial Sciences
Kevin Allred
Plant, Insect & Microbial Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy
Plant, Insect & Microbial Sciences, Master of Science 573-882-3001 52 Agriculture Lab Building
Political Science
Jacob Owen
Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Public Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy
Defense and Strategic Studies, Master of Arts
Communication, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2062 W110A Locust Street Building
Public Affairs
William Bushnell
Public Affairs, Accelerated Master of Public Affairs
Public Affairs, Master of Public Affairs 573-882-3556 W109D Locust Street Building
Public Engagement
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Public Health
MU Public Health
Epidemiology, Graduate Certificate
Public Health Communication, Graduate Certificate
Public Health, Graduate Certificate
Public Health, Master of Public Health 573-884-6844 802 Lewis Hall
Johnette Blair
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Master of Science
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
Rural Sociology, Master of Science
Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural Education, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-3747 138A Mumford Hall
Romance Languages & Literatures
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Rural Sociology
Johnette Blair
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Master of Science
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Doctor of Philosophy
Rural Sociology, Master of Science
Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural Education, Doctor of Philosophy
Agricultural and Applied Economics, Accelerated Master of Science 573-882-3747 138A Mumford Hall
Russian & Slavonic Studies
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A&S Portfolio 4 Staff (Statistics)
Statistics, Doctor of Philosophy
Statistics, Accelerated Master of Arts
Sports Analytics, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6376 146 Middlebush Hall
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Crystal Null
Social Work, Master of Social Work
Gerontological Social Work, Graduate Certificate
Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-9385 723 Clark Hall
Elisa Day
Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-5041 312 Middlebush Hall
Jena Randolph
Intervention and Instruction, Graduate Certificate
Special Education Cross-Categorical, Graduate Certificate
Special Education, Graduate Certificate
Early Childhood Special Education, Graduate Certificate
Autism Education, Graduate Certificate
Gifted Education, Graduate Certificate
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts 573-884-1911
Kelsey Carroll
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Master of Health Science 573-884-6085 308 Lewis Hall
Social Work
Crystal Null
Social Work, Master of Social Work
Gerontological Social Work, Graduate Certificate
Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy 573-884-9385 723 Clark Hall
Elisa Day
Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy
Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-5041 312 Middlebush Hall
Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences
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Special Education
Caitlin Rosbach
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Master of Education
Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum, Doctor of Philosophy
Special Education, Doctor of Philosophy/Doctor of Education
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts
Applied Behavior Analysis, Graduate Certificate
Applied Behavior Analysis, Master of Science 573-882-3742 303 Townsend Hall
Jena Randolph
Intervention and Instruction, Graduate Certificate
Special Education Cross-Categorical, Graduate Certificate
Special Education, Graduate Certificate
Early Childhood Special Education, Graduate Certificate
Autism Education, Graduate Certificate
Gifted Education, Graduate Certificate
Special Education, Master of Education/Master of Arts 573-884-1911
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Kelsey Carroll
Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Master of Health Science 573-884-6085 308 Lewis Hall
A&S Portfolio 4 Staff (Statistics)
Statistics, Doctor of Philosophy
Statistics, Accelerated Master of Arts
Sports Analytics, Graduate Certificate 573-882-6376 146 Middlebush Hall
Christa Smith
Translational Biosciences, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0172 CE740 CS&E Building
Jabarbara Jennings
Theatre, Accelerated Master of Arts
Theatre and Performance Studies, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2021
Textile and Apparel Management
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Jabarbara Jennings
Theatre, Accelerated Master of Arts
Theatre and Performance Studies, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-2021
Translational Biosciences
Christa Smith
Translational Biosciences, Doctor of Philosophy 573-882-0172 CE740 CS&E Building
Don Carlos Gainey De Vejar
Visual Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
Visual Studies, Master of Arts
Visual Studies, Master of Fine Arts 573-882-4037 102 Swallow Hall
Lesley Linss
Biomedical Sciences with Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-1807 A384 Clydesdale Hall
Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Lesley Linss
Biomedical Sciences with Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Emphasis, Master of Science 573-882-1807 A384 Clydesdale Hall
Visual Studies
Don Carlos Gainey De Vejar
Visual Studies, Doctor of Philosophy
Visual Studies, Master of Arts
Visual Studies, Master of Fine Arts 573-882-4037 102 Swallow Hall