Academic Process for
Master’s Students
Every graduate program has a Director of Graduate Study (DGS) who can provide you with guidance in navigating the academic process. Click here to identify your DGS and to read more about the role of the DGS.
Choose an Advisor
The student selects a consenting advisor from faculty members of the academic program in which the major work is planned.
Before registering for each semester or session, the student consults the advisor concerning a program of courses.
Full-Time Enrollment
Full-time enrollment for graduate students is defined as enrollment in 9 credit hours per semester in the fall and spring semesters and/or 4.5 hours in the summer session. Without special permission of the Dean of the Graduate School, the maximum number of credit hours in which a graduate student may enroll is 16 credit hours per semester in the fall and spring and/or nine in the summer.
International Student Enrollment
View the enrollment guidelines on the International Center website.
Submit a Plan of Study
After performing satisfactorily for a minimum of one semester, the student completes the Plan of Study for the Master’s Degree (M1) form with the advisor’s assistance. If a student completes more than one graduate credential at MU, they may use a course for no more than three formal credentials (e.g., a master’s, doctoral, certificate, specialist, minor, dual degree).
Note: students enrolled in a dual master’s degree program should fill out the Plan of Study for the Dual Master’s Degree form (DM1).
The plan of study form must be filed with the Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester of enrollment.
Form a Thesis Committee
When a thesis is required for a master’s degree, the student must submit a Request for Thesis Committee form (M2) for approval by the program’s director of graduate studies and the Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester.
A thesis committee is composed of three members of the MU faculty: a major advisor from the academic program; a second reader from the academic program; and a third member who can be an outside reader and is a member of the graduate faculty from a different MU graduate program, or from the student’s academic department/program.
Pass Graduate Examination
Each candidate must pass a final examination to demonstrate mastery of the fundamental principles of the work included in the course of study offered for the degree.
The final examination may be a thesis defense or some other capstone experience. Refer to the student’s academic program for specific details about the nature of the final examination.
Credit Requirements
Credit Transfer
A maximum of 20 percent of the number of credit hours required for a student’s degree may be graduate credits transferred from another regionally accredited institution, including another campus of the University of Missouri system. Credit transfer must be recommended by the student’s advisor and approved by the academic program’s director of graduate studies and the Graduate School.
All transfer credits are considered general electives. They cannot be used toward the 8000-level requirement, but are considered as credit hours toward the completion of the degree.
The Graduate School must make the final review of the transfer request to determine if the credit meets the minimum guidelines. If so, the Graduate School will process the request so that the transferred courses appear on the student’s transcript.
Master’s Plan of Study
After performing satisfactorily for a minimum of one semester, the student completes the Plan of Study for the Master’s Degree (M1) form (or the Plan of Study for the Dual Master’s Degree (DM1) form if the student is enrolled in a dual master’s degree program) with the advisor’s assistance. The form is forwarded through the program’s director of graduate studies to the Graduate School for approval.
The plan of study form must be filed with the Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester of enrollment. Upon approval of the program by the Graduate School, the student is a candidate for the degree.
Changes to the Plan of Study
Changes to the plan of study should be submitted on the Plan of Study Course Substitution form.
Master’s Program Committee
When a thesis is required for a master’s degree, the student must submit a Request for Thesis Committee form (M2) for approval by the program’s director of graduate studies and the Graduate School by the end of the student’s second semester.
A thesis committee is composed of three members of the MU faculty: a major advisor from the academic program; a second reader from the academic program; and a third reader from either the academic program or member of the graduate faculty from a different MU graduate program.
Approval of a Non-MU Faculty Member
Upon approval of the academic program’s director of graduate studies, the student may petition the Graduate School to allow a person who is not a member of the MU graduate faculty to serve as the third reader.
The petition should include a written justification for such a request and a copy of the person’s curriculum vitae. The Graduate School maintains copies of curricula vitae previously received and approved, and if such a request is anticipated, the student should contact the Graduate School to see if the curriculum vitae of a particular person is already on file.