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A request for an extension is distinct from an appeal process: a request for extension is the appropriate course of action when a student has failed to meet the time frames associated with degree programs.

Request for Extension

A request for extension is the appropriate course of action when a student has failed to meet satisfactory progress provisions of the Graduate School or is taking academic leave upon the birth or placement of a child.

When there has been unsatisfactory progress with respect to meeting Graduate Faculty Senate’s time to degree limits, the student may file a written request for an extension with the Dean of the Graduate School. The extension request must be endorsed by the department/program’s director of graduate studies and the student’s major advisor and include a timeline for completion of the degree. If an extension is granted by the Dean of the Graduate School, the student will be given a specified period of time to meet the requirements for progress to degree.

A student who seeks academic leave upon the birth or placement of their child shall be allowed an extension of up to 12 months to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations, and an extension of up to 12 months of the time to degree while in candidacy. Longer extensions may be requested in extenuating circumstances.

All extension requests must be endorsed by the department/program’s director of graduate studies and the student’s advisor, and include a timeline for completion of the degree. If an extension is granted by the Dean of the Graduate School, the student will be given a specified period of time to meet the requirements for progress to degree. Please contact the Graduate School for more information.