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How to Apply for the GRFP

National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

About the GRFP

This national fellowship provides three years of financial support for beginning graduate study leading to a research-based degree in:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Computer Sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Geosciences
  • Information Science
  • Social Sciences
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  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology
  • Physics
  • Astronomy
  • STEM Education

The $37,000-per-year fellowships are intended for seniors who will begin graduate study the following fall and early stage graduate students. Awarded fellows also receive a 3-year tuition waiver! About 2,000 fellowships are offered. Must be a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident alien. To learn if you are eligible, click here.

GRFP Applicant Resources

The Graduate School and the Office of Global and National Fellowships provides support to students interested in applying for a GRFP award. They can assist in writing statements, broader impact ideas, tips for selecting references, and in critiquing your statement drafts.

Personal Consultation: Make an appointment with Dr. Liz Bent, Mr. Erik Potter, or Dr. Linda Blockus to receive feedback on your statement drafts.

National Science Foundation

This site provides detailed information for applicants.

Click here to register and submit an application.

For GRFP Awardees Planning to Attend Mizzou 

As soon as you accept a fellowship, contact the Dean of the Graduate School.

You must establish a stipend account to receive your fellowship payments. Do this as soon as possible (preferably in June–or sooner if you plan to start your tenure in the summer) to allow time for internal paperwork.

Find More Details on the GRFP Stipend Handout (pdf)