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Officially approved as:

Stand Alone: Yes

Total Credit Hours:  18

Certificate description: The 18-hour Graduate Certificate in English trains students in the history and analysis of literature and the English language as well as writing and research skills. Through this certificate, students will:

  • Deepen their knowledge of the English language and literature across historical periods and cultures
  • Learn and apply a variety of critical methods for interpreting literature
  • Practice creative and expository writing at the graduate level
  • Acquire advanced research skills through structured assignments and feedback from experienced doctoral faculty
  • Research and design educational content appropriate for college-level English courses

Student can take any English courses at the 7000 level, or 8000 level with instructor approval, up to 18 credits; offerings may vary from year to year.

Admission criteria:  BA degree including successful completion of some English coursework

Certificate web site:

Admission Criteria

Application Deadlines

Entrance TermApplication Deadline

Required Application Materials

For the Graduate School

  • Completed Graduate School online application
  • Unofficial Transcripts- As part of the application submission process, all applicants are required to upload unofficial copies of all post-secondary transcripts to the online application. Official transcripts are only required if accepted by the academic program.
  • Official Results of English Proficiency Exams (International applicants only)

For the Graduate Certificate Program

  • English department application (built into the Graduate School online application)