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Officially approved as:

Stand Alone: Yes

Total Credit Hours:  12

Certificate description: The Epidemiology Certificate will allow prospective and current students to become competent in advanced aspects of epidemiological analysis such as assessing population groups and determining their priority health problems, empowering and mobilizing populations in a collaborative public health effort. The certificate competencies are:

  1. Articulate key role of epidemiology for informing health issues and in preserving and improving public health.
  2. Appropriately select and use information technology to identify, locate and access health-related data; accurately evaluate the integrity of the data and identify gaps in data.
  3. Analyze data arising from epidemiologic studies using appropriate software.
  4. Interpret the output of regression models from standard statistical programs and present the results in research papers and project reports.
  5. Evaluate outcome-based research on public health interventions for its potential use in public health practice.
  6. Develop skills in communicating community assessment and intervention findings to lay audiences.

Certificate web site:

Admission Criteria

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Semester: May 1st
  • Spring Semester: September 1st
  • Summer Semester: March 1st

Note: The graduate admissions committee will begin reviewing applications within 1 week of the application deadline.

Required Application Materials

For the Epidemiology Program

  • Applicants applying for Spring 2025, Summer 2025 and Fall 2025: Complete a Graduate School application.
    • Current resume or curriculum vitae
    • Personal data sheet (built into the Graduate School online application)
  • Applicants applying for Spring 2026 and beyond: Contact the Public Health program directly via email at for application process before you begin a Graduate School application.

For the Graduate School

  • Completed Graduate School online application
  • Unofficial Transcripts- As part of the application submission process, all applicants are required to upload unofficial copies of all post-secondary transcripts to the online application. Official transcripts are only required if accepted by the academic program.
  • Official Results of English Proficiency Exams (International applicants only)