Pallavi Raonka
Women’s & Gender Studies
I earned my Ph.D. in Sociology from Virginia Tech. My research and teaching interests revolve around the political ecology of land, forests, and animals, Adivasi studies, ethnography, gender politics, and South Asia studies. Prior to joining the University of Missouri, I worked as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at DePauw University. I’ve been actively involved in advocacy work related to food security and sovereignty with grassroots groups, specifically, Adivasi and Dalit communities in rural India. My teaching and research focus on understanding people and communities through their own experiences. I emphasize the importance of sharing lived experiences in the classroom, using research to analyze social-political issues, and involving students in inquiry processes to create a collaborative learning environment. Currently, I’m working on my book manuscript, which examines the question of indigeneity and the ongoing political struggle of the Munda Adivasi (indigenous) communities to protect their land in Jharkhand, India. This work is based on over eight years of politically engaged research and advocacy work with Munda Adivasi communities, covering topics like Munda politics, food sovereignty, gender politics, and development. I have received support for this research, including the Joseph Frank Hunker Memorial Scholarship ($35,000). My research has contributed to scholarly discussions in South Asian studies, particularly in areas such as postcolonial feminism, critical development studies, Adivasi women, and food sovereignty.