Roy Anthony Thompson
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Hunter College Bellevue
Dr. Roy Anthony Thompson was born and raised in Jamaica. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with First Class Honors (Summa Cum Laude) in 2009, and a Master of Science degree in Advance Nursing Education in 2013 from The UWI School of Nursing, University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Prior to graduate school he worked as a registered nurse (RN) in the Post-Anesthetic Care Units and Intensive Care Units from 2008-2013. Dr. Thompson also lectured at the University of the West Indies from 2013-2016. Dr. Thompson earned his doctorate at the Duke University School of Nursing and the Global Health Doctoral Certificate from the Duke Global Health Institute. His doctoral dissertation employed both quantitative and qualitative methods to examine employment-related outcomes between Foreign Educated Nurses (FENs) and US Educated Nurses, including an exploration of barriers and facilitators to FENs providing quality care in LTC settings. Dr. Thompson received a Teaching for Equity Fellowship from the Duke School of Nursing. Dr. Thompson was a subject matter expert on the National Commission Against Racism in Nursing, and an Emerging Diversity Leader for AcademyHealth’s Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues (IRGNI). Dr. Thompson’s program of research is focused on improving care of older adults and their health-related outcomes, health policies, strengthening Long-term care (LTC) systems, and enhancing LTC health workforce capacity to improve quality of care for older adults.