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A doctoral student selects an advisor or co-advisors by mutual consent from doctoral faculty members who are dissertation supervisors in the department or area program in which the major work is planned. Doctoral advisors must be members of the doctoral faculty. To determine whether a faculty member has doctoral faculty status, refer to the list of faculty in each academic program in the University catalog. Students can change advisors during their doctoral program. Before registering for each semester or session, the student consults the advisor concerning a program of courses.


A master’s or educational specialist degree student or a student pursuing a graduate certificate selects or is assigned a consenting advisor from faculty members of the academic program in which the major work is planned. Before registering for each semester or session, the student consults the advisor concerning a program of courses. Advisors must be members of the graduate faculty. To determine whether a faculty member has graduate faculty status, refer to the list of faculty in each academic program in the University catalog. Students can change advisors during their graduate program.

Special circumstances

An advisor who retires or leaves MU may continue to serve as a student’s advisor unless a written academic program policy prohibits such an arrangement.

If an advisor is unable or unwilling to continue to serve, the academic program, led by the director of graduate studies, will ensure that a replacement is found.