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The grant from which a student is funded may be responsible for some or all of the resident tuition remitted by the Graduate Student Tuition Support Program if:

  • The student’s assistantship meets all the eligibility criteria for tuition remission.
  • At least some portion of that appointment is paid by a grant.
  • There are no prohibitions imposed by the granting agency.

Departments requesting support for a graduate research assistant (GRA) should include in their budgets:

  • The resident tuition support, normally calculated at 9 hours per semester.
  • The insurance subsidy credit, based on the FTE of the assistantship/fellowship

Note: If a student has an assistantship paid by a grant and takes more than nine hours in a semester, the grant will be charged for whatever portion of the Tuition Support Program resident tuition that would be charged to the grant, based on the student’s salary — not just the nine hours budgeted.

Charge-back process

  1. Employment information is reported as specified on the Certification of Eligibility through the payroll system.
  2. Funding lines in payroll are matched with the student information data.
  3. The Graduate Student Tuition Support Program resident tuition is pro-rated based on eligible funding lines. A listing of students receiving support and their funding lines are compared to the budget information in PeopleSoft to determine the grant(s) that can be charged the support. If a grant has no budget information, then the question is put to the employing department of the student to see if the grant can be charged.
  4. Grants are charged for the resident tuition of the students funded on them for the semesters being reviewed.
  5. Departments and programs are notified that the charges have been applied to the grants and asked to review for corrections.

Budgeting for summer session tuition through grants

For all grants written since Aug. 15, 2002, the grant must also budget for the summer session resident tuition. If the grant budget did not include funding for a GRA and a GRA is subsequently hired, the grant is responsible for payment of the resident tuition for the period the student was appointed a GRA.

Students with multiple qualified funding sources

If a student has more than one assistantship or fellowship, the cost of the resident educational tuition support will be split between them. The amount charged to each grant will be pro-rated based on the amount being paid by each award or the FTE’s (if both appointments are assistantships).

Granting agencies and tuition coverage

If a principal investigator (PI) who is preparing a grant proposal doesn’t know whether the granting agency will cover resident tuition costs as student aid, the PI must contact the Office of Sponsored Programs. A PI who wishes to have a Graduate Student Tuition Support Program tuition waiver as a cost-share for a grant must petition the dean of the Graduate School and complete the Cost-Share Fee Waiver Request Form (pdf).