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All graduate students in qualifying assistantships (graduate teaching assistantship, graduate research assistantship, graduate instructor, graduate library assistant, graduate fellow, and graduate professional assistantship) are entitled to paid vacation time.

  • Students with a 12-month stipend are entitled to two weeks (10 working days) of paid vacation time per academic calendar year (August 1 through July 31 of the following year).
  • Students with shorter appointments are entitled to a pro-rated amount of paid vacation time per academic year.

This additional vacation time is separate from the standard MU holidays, which do not include the Spring or Summer recess periods. In cases where assistantship activities necessitate ongoing efforts during these holidays or intersession days, assistantship supervisors will collaborate with graduate students to ensure they receive equivalent days off.

Vacation time must be used within a single academic year and cannot be rolled over or accumulated across multiple years.

Graduate students are expected to coordinate with their supervisor and/or PI in a timely way about their requested vacation time. Students who wish to take additional periods of time off, paid or unpaid, must receive the approval of their advisor, supervisor, and/or PI and are subject to funding agency benefits or restrictions as appropriate.  Students who are supported by teaching assistantships cannot take time off that interferes with teaching obligations, including class time, grading, and planning meetings, and must discuss time off in advance with their supervisor. Unauthorized absences may result in a progressive discipline for performance and possible stipend suspension.

Questions or concerns related to this policy should be directed to the Graduate School.

Effective date: August 1, 2024. The policy was drafted and endorsed by the Graduate Faculty Senate (GFS), which includes representatives from all schools/colleges, interdisciplinary programs, and Graduate Professional Council (GPC), on April 30, 2024.