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Fellowships are a type of financial support granted to graduate students to help fund their education. Some fellowships include a tuition scholarship or a payment to the University in lieu of tuition. Most fellowships include a small stipend to cover living expenses. Finding funding for education can sometimes be a daunting task for students of underrepresented and underserved populations. To help alleviate some of the time spent searching for relevant scholarships and fellowships, we offer the following tailored fellowships and opportunities lists based on the following categories: Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences, Engineers, and a conglomerate of all the lists. Note: The deadlines for each of the fellowships are updated annually, and may not reflect the most current deadline.

This page provides current funding opportunities for graduate education from internal and external sources.

Funding opportunities for travel to conferences available through University of Missouri can be found here.

Funding from various external sources can be found here.

More information on fellowships can be obtained by visiting Mizzou’s Fellowship Office.

Also, a comprehensive database of funding opportunities and an expertise database to help you identify potential collaborators within MU and at institutions around the world is available through the Pivot Funding Opportunities Database.

Donald M. Suggs Dissertation Support Fellowship:

In an effort to deepen our commitment at all levels of higher education, the MU Graduate School is pleased to announce the establishment of the Dr. Donald M. Suggs Dissertation Support Fellowship. This fellowship is designed to assist in the research endeavors of two PhD students whose work offers the potential for advancing academic scholarship within their field of study. The selected fellows will receive a $2000 award to be used for resources, equipment, travel, supplies, software, and other expenses that are directly related to conducting this research.

To be considered for the Dr. Donald M. Suggs Dissertation Support Fellowship, an applicant must be in the dissertation writing phase of a doctoral program, have demonstrated academic excellence within their discipline, be a member of an ethnic group traditionally underrepresented in graduate education and submit the following materials and information:
• Summary of proposed research not to exceed one (1), double spaced page
• An itemized budget and budget narrative/description regarding the utilization of the award (which will be deemed appropriate by the selection committee)
• Abbreviated C.V. not to exceed two pages
• Completed applicant student information form

Application materials may be submitted via e-mail or hard copy to NaTashua Davis (). More information will be provided shortly. In mid-September, a formal presentation of the award will be given at the St. Louis American Salute to Excellence in Education Gala, St. Louis, MO.

Gamma Alpha Gamma Dissertation Year Fellowship

The Gamma Alpha Gamma Dissertation Year Fellowship provides a supplement to an already-existing research or teaching assistantship in the final year of the student’s doctoral work. The money comes from the re-purposed Gamma Alpha Gamma student loan program. To be eligible, a student must have completed comprehensive examinations and be committed to completing all requirements for graduation, including successful defense of a dissertation, in the year of the fellowship

Raymond White Dissertation Year Fellowship

The Raymond White Dissertation Year Fellowship provides a supplement to an already-existing research or teaching assistantship in the final year of the student’s doctoral work. The money comes from the repurposed Raymond White Graduate Student Loan Fund that was established in 1974 as part of Mr. White’s generous estate gift to the University of Missouri. In the ensuing years, we have learned that fellowships are a more effective way to support graduate education than loans, hence the change in the focus of the fund. To be eligible, a student must have completed comprehensive examinations and be committed to completing all requirements for graduation, including successful defense of a dissertation, in the year of the fellowship.

Professional Presentation Travel Awards

International Travel Scholarships

John D. Bies International Travel Scholarships

The John D. Bies International Travel Scholarship endowment was established by Dr. John Bies, who earned a doctorate from Mizzou in 1972. Bies believes students who travel frequently and have an opportunity to interact with diverse people are better equipped to become members of a global society. Although Bies attended Buffalo State College in New York for his undergraduate and master’s degrees, he chose to establish the travel endowment at the University of Missouri because of the impact he says Mizzou had on his life. During his time here, he says, he was instilled with a work ethic and strong values.

GPC Travel Awards

External Funding

Fellowships by discipline:

Arts and Humanities


Life Sciences

Socical Sciences

Other Fellowship Opportunities

Diversity Fellowships

General Fellowships

More information on fellowships can be obtained by visiting Mizzou’s Fellowship Office.

Also, a comprehensive database of funding opportunities and an expertise database to help you identify potential collaborators within MU and at institutions around the world is available through the Pivot Funding Opportunities Database.