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Graduate Student Teaching Workshop: Assessment and Feedback


This brief session is an introduction to the broad (and sometimes daunting) topic of assessment and feedback. We’ll discuss how to design assessments that align with learning objectives and give […]

Saving and Investing: Why, When, and How to Start

Strickland 310

Confused by the investing alphabet soup - 401(k), ETF, IRA, Roth, etc...? Feel like you’re ‘behind’ before you’ve even begun? You’re not alone. Join the Office for Financial Success to […]

Credit Scores: Crack the Code to 850

Arts and Science Building, Room 101

Confused about credit? You're not alone. Some of these statements are true, some are partially true, some are misleading, and some are outright false. Can you confidently pick out which […]

Mindful Writing for Graduate Students

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

Feeling overwhelmed by dissertation writing and deadlines? Join us to learn mindful strategies that can help reduce stress, improve focus, and boost your productivity. This series, led by Donna Strickland, […]

Credit Scores: Crack the Code to 850

Strickland 310

Confused about credit? You're not alone. Some of these statements are true, some are partially true, some are misleading, and some are outright false. Can you confidently pick out which […]

Budgeting 101: Make Your Money Work for You

Strickland, room 119

Did you know that about 88% of millionaires are self-made and nearly 95% of them credit budgeting to their financial success? We know you're not a millionaire yet, but you […]