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Demystifying the Literature Review (Online)


Explore the world of literature reviews through this hands-on workshop highlighting different types of reviews, the process involved in creating each one, and an overview of best practices. Interactive searching […]

First-Generation Graduate Student Symposium (Online)


Join the Boston University Newbury Center, Duke University First-Generation Graduate Student Network, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS, along with our Cooperating Sponsor, the […]

Graduate Student Writing Accountability Groups (Saturday)

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The Writing Center, in collaboration with the MU Graduate School, will now host graduate writing accountability groups, open to any graduate student at Mizzou! Writing Accountability Groups are quiet spaces […]

Graduate Student Writing Accountability Groups

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The Writing Center, in collaboration with the MU Graduate School, will now host graduate writing accountability groups, open to any graduate student at Mizzou! Writing Accountability Groups are quiet spaces […]

APA 7: Format, Style, and Grammar (online)

In this session, we will cover the basics of APA style, including the difference between a student and professional paper, how to format your headings, how many spaces to put […]

Graduate Student Writing Accountability Groups

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The Writing Center, in collaboration with the MU Graduate School, will now host graduate writing accountability groups, open to any graduate student at Mizzou! Writing Accountability Groups are quiet spaces […]

Data visualization with Palladio

159 Ellis Library

Palladio facilitates visualization of data as maps, networks, graphs, lists, or galleries. Anne Barker is a Humanities Librarian in Ellis Library Research & Information Services.  She recently attended the 2023 Digital […]

CANCELED: Workshopping the Teaching Statement

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

Bring your drafted teaching statement and get some peer feedback on your draft! We'll begin with a structure for helpful feedback on these particular statements and then will break into […]

Graduate Student Writing Accountability Groups

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

The Writing Center, in collaboration with the MU Graduate School, will now host graduate writing accountability groups, open to any graduate student at Mizzou! Writing Accountability Groups are quiet spaces […]

Making Discover@MU Work for You (online)


Set yourself up for success with this introduction to the University of Missouri Libraries' Discover@MU search! Get the basics and learn some handy tips, tricks, and tools for getting started […]

CANCELED: Workshopping the Research Statement

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

Bring your drafted research statement and get some peer feedback on your draft! We'll begin with a structure for helpful feedback on these particular statements and then will break into […]