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GradsWork: Drop-In Writing/Working Space for Grad Students

Writing Center (Student Success Center)

GradsWork Sessions are quiet spaces to bring current works in progress and to work in community with other graduate writers. We will invite participants to share goals at the beginning […]

Predatory Journals: The Dark Side of Open Access


Find out how to publish your research without being scammed by journals that exist only to make money not to advance knowledge.  Learn ways to spot predatory journals and locate […]

Mindful Writing for Graduate Students

111F Townsend Hall (GRAD Hub)

Feeling overwhelmed by dissertation writing and deadlines? Join us to learn mindful strategies that can help reduce stress, improve focus, and boost your productivity. This series, led by Donna Strickland, […]

Open Access Publishing Pre-Prints & Post-Prints


This session will discuss the benefits and stereotypes of Open Access publishing, the difference between preprints and postprints, and how to retain author rights to publish open and accessible articles […]