Obtaining depth/breadth of knowledge in subject area; Demonstrating critical & analytical thinking & problem solving; keeping track of academic benchmarks, forms, & deadlines; Successfully completing graduate milestones (e.g., qualifying exams, theses, dissertations)
Academic Job Search
Faculty, research and administration positions in higher education generally are posted on national sites. American Association of Community Colleges Their job bank contains job vacancies at community colleges across the
Read MoreOnline Writing Support
Online Writing Tutors Writing tutors are available to help grad students improve English writing mechanics, (e.g., paragraph transitions, subject-verb agreement, or verb tense.) They can also help with any stage
Read MoreResearch Compliance
Research compliance is a complex administrative area and includes research integrity, human subjects protection (the Institutional Review Board (IRB), storing and destroying research documents, research animal care and welfare (Office
Read MoreManaging and Using Research Data
Data skills are in high demand by employers. Why? Because data are transforming society all around us – from science and engineering to medicine, finance, and business. Data Visualization The ability
Read MoreTeaching Resources
Educational Technologies at Missouri (ET@MO) ET@MO supports the meaningful use of technology to improve teaching and learning. With a focus on both pedagogical design and technology innovation and excellence, ET@MO
Read MoreTeaching & Learning Courses
The following professional development courses are open to all graduate students. AG ED LD 8350: College Teaching of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (3 credit hours). A course designed to assist current or future
Read MoreMizzou Research Resources
MU has the nation’s most powerful University research reactor and is the largest U.S. producer of radioisotopes for diagnosing and treating cancer. The University has 17 research farms, research centers
Read MoreColumbia Resources
Living in Columbia Columbia, Mo., is known as an ideal college town, combining small-town comforts, community spirit and cost of living with big-city culture, activities and resources. Our city of about 100,000
Read MoreFunding Sources for Graduate Education
Fellowships are a type of financial support granted to graduate students to help fund their education. Some fellowships include a tuition scholarship or a payment to the University in lieu
Read MorePFF Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
The PFF Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is an opportunity for recent Mizzou Ph.D. graduates and current Mizzou postdoctoral fellows to more fully prepare for an academic career. The program’s application deadline occurs
Read MoreGRAD 9050: Building Leadership Potential with Transferable Skills
This is a 1 hour specialized leadership and transferable skills course that helps doctoral students recognize their potential and versatility for careers within and beyond the academy. Framed by Brent Ruben’s
Read MoreTransferable Skills
As a grad student or post doc, you are building disciplinary expertise and a repertoire of research skills. Job-specific skills are colloquially referred to as “hard skills.” Less visible, but equally
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